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After leaving university, I set myself the goal of working on every continent to experience life from many different angles. Antarctica is still outstanding, but the other six are complete (in some cases, twice over).


Approaching thirty years old, I returned to London and spent the next seven years as a police officer for the Met, with my last posting being in Counter-Terrorism Command. When working on shifts, and needing to occupy my time waiting to begin a late or night shift, I decided to take more seriously what had, until then, been just a hobby of writing.


As a qualified African safari guide, a trained Lapland husky musher, someone who has taught English to Buddhist monks in Laos and sex education to teenagers in a Ugandan field, unearthed Etruscan pottery on an archaeological dig in Italy, built a new enclosure for rescued animals in the Amazon, installed guttering on a Fijian island, managed million dollar projects in New York, studied Russian in Moscow, and protected President Obama in London working with his Secret Service agents, I try to bring some of that variety of life experience to my writing.


Having said that, my work is fiction, a product of an adventurous and restless mind. I hope to cross genres as a writer in the same way that I have in my multitude of lives lived so far.


I drink too much caffeine; my first language is sarcasm; I'm obsessively neat; I can't cook, sing, or dance; I prefer animals to people, the heat to the cold, evenings to mornings; and I'm just as likely to listen to Tupac as I am Mahler's 6th Symphony.


Believe it or not, I don't really like talking about myself but, unlike Flaubert, I don't consider it a bad thing for you to know (a little) about the writer whose work you're reading.


Thank you for your support.




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